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New user issues


I'm not a gamer, I don't have a website.
Is this a requirement for me to set up a server?

Also, I tried to set up a LAN connection. I can see a server running in TaskManager, but no local.txt file was created as expected.? What is the format?

Finally, re: "Server tetraHydro is back online. Just go to preferences>Connection and click Connect on the client box."
The server list in the "connect as client" box is empty ... I tried hacking Client.txt & Server.txt to no avail.


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Re: New user issues

Hi Jim,

I have sent you an email with some answers.
I will work with you to setup your server
First lets check that everything works on the default server "tetraHydro"
I have started it and it is running.
If that is a go and working good, we can start with getting you setup to host as server.
Everything you need is already included in the standard download all you will need is a "port forwarding" setup
an ftp account to upload a small text file for your clients to read and connect with and thats about it. A setup in the
server ftp settings to connect to upload your text file.
I will go over everything with you setup by step
Yes yu can play LAN and with remote users


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Re: New user issues

Hi Jim,

Its been some months ago this email I just ran into it again while reviewing messages.

Did you ever get GreedyGammon server running?

My instructions are not the clearest and some of the information could be old and no longer relevant based on newer versions

But i am willing to help anyone to set it up. If it works from my end it has to work for anyone else as it is the same basic download software i use that everyone else has as well.


maareyes (tetraHydro on GreedyGammon)
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Re: New user issues

Some of these posts may be outdated.
In regards to the question whether one needs a website.
The answer is no. GreedyGammon doesn't run in a browser (as most games these days do)
It is an installed exe file. meaning it is standalone application (that is how most games were installed back in the day)

Also, the requirement to upload a txt file has been simplified in that the upload location by default has been defined as a greedygammon.com URL

So the only requirement user needs to perform is the "port forwarding"which may sound daunting but its not that complicated.
Just google your router name with the phrase "port forwarding" to find instructions.
It is a feature that allows other computers to connect to your computer and used for gaming and also to access your machine when you are in a remote location

The advantage to this kind of setup is that you are no longer dependent on a third party to play with your friends.
Everything runs on your machine and your friends can connect to it. (clients don' tneed any port fowarding settings, just the client.txt URL
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