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Site Admin
Posts: 359
Joined: Sun Oct 24, 2010 8:32 pm
Years playing backgammon: 20+ Learned to play on playing bots and review with gnubg analysis FIBS rating 1750-1850
Location: USA

Username Password

Use only letters, numbers and underscore. Do not put any dots, or spaces in your user name

To create a new account and login with your own username password you must register an account in this forum and use that username password to log into the game. Once you create an account here, YOU MUST VALIDATE IT with a functioning email address, the game login screen will read your forum username and password and create an account for you on the server. If you forget your password, you can use the forum features to reset it. Password reset is not currently automated. You must request it manually after you have created your new password here. Passwords are case sensitive make sure your caps match.

If there is a problem with the hosting of this forum and it is temporarily down, new accounts will fail. If that happens please check that this forum is up and working before trying to create a new account on the game server.

If you are trying out the server and do not wish to create a username yet, log in as 'guest' and use any password. All features are available to guests. Even your games are rated but the rating is not saved when you log out.
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