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Public IP not updating even after reininstall

so my problem is that i cant start my server bc the ip (global) it tries to use(the one i started my first server with) is NOT the actual public ip anymore(my isp changes my ip every day/reconnect).
i tried restarting the programm and reinstalling it but it still does not work(stays the same ip).
it would be nice if i could manualy change the ip adress

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Re: Public IP not updating even after reininstall

Hi SuperHerp,

I was aware of this IP limitation but never got around to address it as it seemed no one was using "server" mode.

The way I handled this issue with current and prev servers "tetraHydro" is to have the clients read the IP from a remote location which i update
But since it never changes I only change it when I update the program and I don't want old versions signing up
Giving this remote IP read feature to server mode should help with changing IP address issues.
I will try to have an update today or tomorrow.
And if you haven't already, you may want to "disable default connection" from the server tab in preferences.
It seems to interfere with server mode of other users.

In the mean time if you go to your GreedyGammon registry
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\VB and VBA Program Settings\GreedyG
And clear out the IPString setting it should read your new IP when it reboots
You will have to send the new connection string to your clients

There is also a "connection.txt" file in documents>>GreedyG that you may want to check for any old and obsolete server settings.
If you just delete the file it will recreate itself with your new server settings


msolomon (zum_gali, tetraHydro)
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Re: Public IP not updating even after reininstall


An update has been uploaded version 3.0.148 with some instructions how to use the remote server settings


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Re: Public IP not updating even after reininstall

In case I have complicated the response... (sorry) :? By creating this defaultconnection.txt file and putting your IP in it, the server will read it instead of trying to figure it out through other means which may nor may not work . That was your initial question. but since you have to notify your clients every time your IP changes, this way they always read the IP from your connection.txt file.

If you wish to test your connection , i can connect to your server and verify that everything is working

My mention first post to "disable default connection" only applies to the registry hack.
Default connection must be turned on to use the remote connection file


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Re: Public IP not updating even after reininstall

thanks works perfectly now :D

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Re: Public IP not updating even after reininstall

the new version fixes this problem by adding an ftp to upload server.txt with the current IP automatically (GreedyGammon 3.0.160 (Nov 30-2021)
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